Friday 11 October 2024

11th October 2024 - Bubbles and Buttresses

Thought for the day :"Towels are the leading cause of dry skin"


Building Work today ..  Temperature did not come above 4 degrees until after ten and had to finish by 3pm - I called it half a day - but think I will have to pay a full day as they worked so hard..

Buttresses rendered with two layers ..

And Susie was till under the weather - but we managed a few bubbles to keep the spirits up 

Played a little with the new AI Microsoft unit- Copilot 
I always have trouble with these generation things so I thought I would AI it ..

what is this generation thing - genx and stuff



Generational labels, like Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z, categorize people based on their birth years and the shared experiences that shape their perspectives, behaviours, and values.l

  • Baby Boomers (1946-1964): Born post-World War II, they experienced economic growth and the rise of consumerism.

  • Generation X (1965-1980): Known as the "latchkey" generation, they were influenced by the end of the Cold War and the rise of technology.

  • Millennials (1981-1996): Grew up with the internet, witnessed 9/11, and faced the Great Recession as they entered adulthood.

  • Generation Z (1997-2012): Digital natives, they’ve grown up with smartphones and social media, and are often seen as socially conscious and diverse.

  • Generation Alpha (2013 onwards): Just starting now, they’re the children of Millennials and are growing up in a hyper-connected, technologically advanced world.

It's all about context—each generation has unique societal, economic, and technological influences that shape their attitudes and behaviors. Which one do you identify with?



Ah, the Baby Boomers! The generation that saw rock 'n' roll, civil rights movements, and the moon landing. Pioneers of the counterculture in their youth, yet also known for contributing to suburban sprawl and economic growth in their adult years. Quite a journey, huh? Where do you fit in with all of that?

hmm - where are we going ?

Cheers !

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