Tuesday 26 September 2023

26th September 2023 - Mending Perches for the Peacocks

Thought for the day :"Bought a car, 50,000 miles on the clock and came with a pound of butter, 6 rashers of bacon and a pint of milk on the back seat. It was a Lada"

Tipping down with rain early today - and apparently Storm Agnes is on its way tomorrow.

But by 11am it was bright enough to walk the dogs and get back to the homestead. 

But next job was to sort Fabio and Zsa Zsa out - their perches had collapsed and the undergrowth was too much for the coop.

Also managed to pull the old pallets that were a risk to life and limb near the gates and replaced them with a piece of stable rubber - which was very messy - but better than keeping a hiding place for the rats.

No photos of that - the gloves were too full of muck and mud to handle the camera...

In other news - the three peacock eggs that are in the incubator seem to be viable still and this week we will be turning the incubator down and off so that they can hatch.
So it was necessary to look at the brooding area in the chicken enclosure. The flooring had rotted but had not gone through, but was risky enough for rats to enter - though I am unsure where they are coming through the caging - it will take another examination and some more wiring.

Found a photo of the September Tavern Evening 

Cheers !


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