Friday, 20 October 2017

20th October 2017 - paramedico go go ...

Thought for the day:"Walk a mile in my shoes - you'll end up in the tavern"

Fraught night in Glangwili Hospital for Susie - probably food poisoning but worrying head pains - got to say - the Medical Support in this country is not fast but it is amazing the care you get as long as you are patient - long wait for ambulance - but the paramedico has amazing equipment these days and the support ambulance was there in minutes ...

Approximate waiting times in the Hospital was meant to be 1 hour - 2 hours nearer to the score - but once seen the care was great including full blood tests and CAT scan in the early hours

Home at 7.30am and really not worth going to bed - so tucked Susie in and set up the Lodge for Royal and Select Masters - checked stock and sorted floats for the bar. Quick visit to mother and checked the shopping lists and back to sort out the accounts for the evening lodge...

Managed to get to sleep at 12.30 until 5pm - and boy - were they good dreams!! Well up to the "Eat Cheese at Night" syndrome and very cinematic - no idea what it was about - but very cinematic...

Good Installation this evening and after the washing up sat at home for a few moments of TV  - oh - and the blog...

So... Royal Order of Scotland tomorrow so better get the kilt out ..

Cheers ! 

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