Wednesday, 14 December 2016

14th December 2016 - House Warming?

Thought for the day:"Puns about air conditioners? Not a fan"

Old news but interesting for some ..

Had a surprise box arrive today - turns out to be from Halifax Building Society.
Okay I have just taken a £100,000 mortgage with them - and it classes as new business because they would not extend the old one - and they charged me £295 for the privilege, as well as the valuation fee and the conveyancing..  but the gift was as unexpected as the extra mortgage payment for the first month!!

A "welcome to your new home / mortgage" gift set... With the nice Halifax bow and the half bottle of Spanish Wine, some special crisps and some Mrs Betty Salsa. Also some picture hooks - which are actually quite useful and a fairly reasonable little tool box..

Thank you the Halifax -

Another busy day - but managed to get down to the basement and start linking the recording studio - seems I have forgotten most of what I learned a few weeks ago - try again tomorrow.

And so - a glass of Chateau 41 - we seem to have bottled quite a lot! 

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