Friday 9 August 2024

9th August 2024 - A sunny day for a change - so a bit lazy

Thought for the day :" New Medical Definitions - Nitrates - better than Day rates"

Sun !!

The heat was unexpected, and after walking the dogs and doing some shopping I really did not have the hwyl to actually getting anything done.

Susie managed to clear all her comfry from the Bee Beds and the intention is to put it on my lower quarter beds to act as fertiliser.  Will take  photos tomorrow 

In other news,  A lovely gift from Ute and Jens - a mini Vollsanger guitar Pick holder - all inscribed like the original.

A Birthday gift for Susie form Nancy - so true 

A couple of pictures from Conquest with Quis et Deus  - a Vienna Bard who I had not seen for 10 years apparently - seems like yesterday 

And his son and co - star 

And Susie looks in her photo book of the German Invasion 


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