Monday 19 August 2024

19th August 2024 - Sad loss of our Drake !!

Thought for the day : "More New Medical Definitions : Tumour - one plus one more" 


The day started fairly dry - enough to walk the dogs, and on this occasion I was getting fed up with not being able to get all the way around my usual walk so I took my cutters with me and spent a happy hour getting stung and brambled as I cleared the path...

Difficult to see the improvement - but you can walk through now 

So on to the Peacock enclosure - the gate was falling apart and one of the main posts was loose so required a deal of improvement...

But first I need to attack the trees at the entrance to the Duck Enclosure

And then I attacked the growth over the peacock stands and cleared an area for them to roost properly

But later, as I was on the Patio I noticed that our Black and White duck was with the hens and on her own and a little distressed - which led to a search around the grounds and no sign of our Drake.
Once again no feathers but it looks as though he has been nabbed 

Toby was very interested in tracks across the fields opposite tonight and it took a while to get Toby and Mr Squeak back after the 10 o'clock news..

But latest project was to get some led flame lighting into the Log Burner in the living room
All seems to be very successful.

May take a photo tomorrow and also the new Owain Glyndwr flag to replace out battle weary one

Cheers !


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