Tuesday 13 August 2024

13th August 2024 - I'm Digging in the Rain ♪♫

Thought for the day :"New Medical Definitions : Recovery Room - place for practicing upholstery"

RAIN - Lots of it !!

Dodged some rain to walk the dogs in just a bit of mizzie stuff 
But decided to have a go with the digger and see if I could managed the controls of the Digger 

It was fun, and slowly getting to grips with it 
Decided to see if I could flatten out the area that I had dug before and get to know the controls.
After managing for a while I started on the hole itself ... 
But the rain defeated me and I managed to limp back to the house soaked to the skin !!

Toby was studying hard... and commented by heading off for the warm before me 

In other news - I found that I had a coin from the "Company" in Mythodea - which has the logo of the clasped hands and the legend "The Company Provides" on the obverse

So it had to go onto Vollsanger's Sash of Glory 

Cheers !


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