Saturday 17 August 2024

17th August 2024 - Happy Birthday Vicky

Thought for the day : "New Medical Definitions : Tablet = a small table"


Managed to stay away from rain today though it was threatening for most of the time with occasional bouts of sunshine ...

But Chris and Vicky cam up to visit with us and as it was Vicky's 70th birthday we celebrated accordingly. 
Walked the dogs and did the tour of the Gardens - including a visit to the new chickens 
(Blackie was being quite territorial and protective and had  right go at me when trying to feed the larger chicks and get them water )

and The Polytunnel is doing well - look at the size of the Cucumbers!!

And of course that meant it was time for Champers on the Patio !!

Oh, and as we walked around - a quick look at the pathway that is hidden by the Troll Bridge
must look more closely at that later

Cheers !

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