Wednesday 30 November 2022

30th November 2022 - Planting Tulips in the lower quarter

Thought for the day :"Time marches on....but I think I lost step."

Surprise sun today !!
Temperatures are not overly high but walking the dogs allowed me to tie my heavy shirt around my waist as we crossed the top fields..

Also an opportunity to start on the fallen Log flower beds in the lower quarter.
Had an early idea to remove the log and then flatten the area for more camping area - but decided instead to put some tulips, daffodils and narcissi, and crocus - with the hope that they will replicate and spread...

So today started digging and found the 6 inches below the soil is hardcore - whether there has been something here before or they have used the area to dump the hardcore - can't say - but complicated the digging - bad enough with the roots there. Lost of stuff has been there before and so we shall see what managed to survive and grow. But 20 or so tulips were planted today. 100 Daffodil/Narcissus bulbs tio go in tomorrow if it is clear, and then some 20 or so crocuses for a bit of early colour.

In other news - met another neighbour out walking today - lives across the village but parks his car by the fallen Oak and the "Scramble" and then walks the donkey trail.  Name of Ron and Jenny the black lab cross (I think) hound. Toby thought she was very special and they had a good run around....
Couldn't stop to look around the gardens as he was waiting for his Tesco Delivery . Maybe another time and probably will come to the Christmas opening. Seemed to be trying to work out  if it was too far to walk - he lives on the Ffostrasol Back Road...

World going to pieces - not affecting too much in our little haven - but Ambulance and Nurses heading for strike action on top of the rail and the post office, taxes heading higher and inflation going through the roof.  Avian Flu heading our way now and we are on shut down form next Monday.

Think I had better open a bottle of red !!

Cheers !  Ooh!  Dog Wine Counting


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