Monday 8 November 2021

8th November 2021 - Coal Shed and Fairy Town

Thought for the day :"Tablets were replaced by scrolls – scrolls replaced by books , now we scroll through books on tablets"

Simple day in the homestead today. 

Brought the Fairy town in form the cold for the winter - they are all metal so it seemed a good idea to keep them warm for the winter and the WD40 before they go out for Spring...

Still waiting on the missing item - hoping for an email tomorrow 

Seems we have a rat problem in the small eating chickens enclosure - so Susie spent time making a secure wire lid for the overnight coop - hoping that we do not have to worry more about the day run. Now down to 8 chickens for the freezer!

I spent some time following 'Thena around the garden as she snuffled her way around the paddock and the Chicken houses trying to see where she managed to get out the other day - but she failed to try to escape so I am no further in the know. She just seemed to like having a meander around the garden. Maybe she just wants a bit of "me-time" away from the annoying puppy!!

I decided that I had to have a go at the coal shed - we could hardly get into the area!! I have gathered a lot of kindling wood that needs a year to dry - but the shed for drying is full of last year's kindling. So I want to get that into the coal shed to make room for the rest. Also - we will need to get some more wood ordered soon - we are going through it quite quickly ...

But the coal shed was quite a state 

And after the whole ordeal ... 

Space for everything now ...

And that about sums up the day ...

Cheers !

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