Thought for the day sometimes: "Sometimes I just tuck my knees against my chest and lean forward that's how I roll!"
2025 : Wet 26 : Dry 27
And windy
Got up this morning and it was very wet and windy. It was the second today running I have had to forgo the tarpaulin over the beer garden. There is no way it can remain there with this sort of wind. Sadly everything I took out from the tunnel yesterday in order to make room for the concrete slab for the new cooker will all be getting soaking wet. There are a number of cardboard boxes full of Wade that will probably fall apart now.
Mark and Meringue left early this morning after breakfast though they managed to do a walk with Nora the little basset hound for about an hour in the rain. Neither of my dogs look as though they are interested in going out.
The water is breaking over the fields again though it is not spilling from our throat pool anymore the course of the river is obviously changed quite a bit.
The wind is also coming from the wrong direction so the patio is completely soaked which my spare shoes and my wellies.
Yes a day to stay in doors !!
Outside there are some signs of spring
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