Friday 31 May 2024

31st May 2024 - Clearing the garden and Visit from Cat

Thought for the day :"Those people who think that they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do (Isaac Asimov)"

Visit from Cat today and some work in the Garden.

Roses looking good at the Door now 

Walking with Toby - The tree on the field with a Cat for scale - there are old pictures showing it under 4 feet high  

Toby Love

Susie managed to cover the strawberries 

I cut the back path way and cleared the laurel leaves - as well as cutting down the road to make sure that the fairy lights are not cut by a council clearance..

Susie cleared Meerkat Mountain

And also cleared the heather and planted nasturtium, and fuchsia, abizzie lizzies at the top 

I cleared the path to the septic tank 

Path to the Greenhouse

The Goddess in the cleft in the tree

Cheers !

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