Monday 13 May 2024

13th May 2024 - Preparing the Tavern

Thought for the day :"My friend with a stutter has just been sent to prison - I fear they will never finish their sentence"

Rain 96 : Dry 37 
Bag 29

Thought we were going to get away with it - but it has been raining non stop all day today 
Sadly had to clear the duck house, and decided to empty the duckponds as well at the same time - and after a while you don't get nay wetter!

And clearing the beer garden and the tunnel - so Susie can use the tunnel for cooking 
the before pictures 

and the after pictures

And the other job of the day, extending the kitchen table to take a larger group of people 
A lot of chat about the way the hinges should go - but we will see if it adversely affects the use of the table - I think not  

Susie has been clearing the house ....   Shopping this morning    ..  

Cheers !

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