Thursday 30 May 2024

30th May 2024 - Opening a new Branch..

Thought for the day :"I recently took a pole and found that 100% of the people in the tent were angry when it collapsed..."

Woke this morning to find that there was a branch down on the lane - time to get teh chain saw out and chop some firewood.

Took a trip down to Nancy's new house in Narberth today and disturbed them as they got on wit the painting of the bedrooms.

A little it of gardening for Susie as she fills the pots with bedding plants.

For the records, had a lovely couple visit us for the music evening and weekend and they gave me a card, and I gave it to Nancy as they live nearer to the trekking site - but they were interested in my records of the 2000 Millennium celebration taking Elvis Preseli - the stone - to Stonehenge - well we failed but it was an effort that started in their village .

Cheers !

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