Tuesday 16 April 2024

16th April 2024 - A day of Sun and Lawns cut !!

Thought for the day :"Thought for the day :"Favourite Playlists for Famous Bible People : Jezebel - The Lady is a Tramp"

Rain 81 : Dry 25 
Bag 25

SUN !!!!
And stayed dry !!!

And cut the lawns - though only at 4" without dropping the cutter. Had to charge the battery up for two days and added ne petrol - but it started !!  
Drive belt for the cutter came off and had to put it back - found a new way to tension the fly wheel and it worked . Did not try to do any of the slopes and left the lower lawns alone - they are still too muddy, but the rest is doing well.

Looks a bit rough but that is because it is the first of the year!!

Susie had her fuchsias delivered to day and planted them, so she has petunias already put in. 

Hanging drainpipe for the Mange Tout
(meant to be peas but bought the wrong thing)

Carrots thriving

I cleared the woodpile by the peacocks entrance and started reducing the logs in the paddock - work in progress!!

Cheers !

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