Friday 10 April 2020

10th April 2020 - Quiet in Crete - in fact everywhere !

Thought for the day:"The percentage of people with only one finger is in the single digits"

Office of National Statistics

1,616,000 Cases worldwide. USA 466,000 and 16,000 Dead. Trump declares he does not intend to test everyone in the USA, but wants to get back to normal as soon as possible. Lots of Churches open for Easter Sunday. UK 65,000 cases and just under 8,000 dead. Boris out of Intensive Care and in hospital Ward. Testing gearing up to 100,000 a day b the end of the month if they manage their targets. Germany still proving to be the most successful by rigorous testing of everyone early and tracing and isolating contacts. Germany 118,000 coases but under 3,000 deaths. Can't be conincidence in my view...

Bunnie posted a video of Agios Nikolais totally deserted - though they do not have Easter until the 19th April....

 It is quite quiet here and increased policing presence ...  Motorways seems to be empty ...

However - some information is passing abotu that people are sending their suitcases to their second homes by courier so they are not stopped and checked en route - and have registered their cars at the holiday home as the insurance is cheaper in the country - so they are driving "apparently " to their home address - have not been able to check the story yet - but would be inventive, and thinking of humour nature I can see some going to these extremes..
Menwhile - Wales is shut - as much as you can shut a country .. 

There are opinions that the planet will start recovering with no aeroplanes, traffic minimised, and everyone staying at home. A frend pointed out however that we were ahead of the game at one time ..

We shall see what sort of world we have when we come out the other side ...
Nothing in the house move - chased solicitors Wednesday and they sent an email - however it is Easter now so nothing expected until Tuesday at least ...  But we have been out in the garden clearing the path - chopping down branches and generally clearing up - it will be worth it when we come around to selling in the end...

Happy Good Friday - as a friend pointed out - it is not Easter until Sunday

Worked out how to use Zoom Video Conferencing software last night and it worked quite well for the Alcoluminati ...  We will do it again next Saturday I think...

And so - off to write the storyline for "Maiden's Cream - the Origin!"  a Vollsanger / Crimson Moon Special ....

Cheers !

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