Tuesday, 31 May 2022

31st May 2022 - Busy Day

Thought for the day :"When I was young and learning to count it was odd at first, even then"

We are getting nearer to our deadline and more work just comes out of the ground!!

Susie has spent another awesome day clearing the paths and removing weds everywhere - it is a thankless task.

My main task was to finish the Ty Bach at the yurt - done
(includes removing nails from the full pallet)
Then set up all the solar lighting for the Ty Bach, lean to and Yurt  - done
Then repair the floorways by the lower gate - done
Then repair the steps in the orchard area x 2 - done
Then the walkway by the strawberries - done
Then paint a lot of potential signs - done 

signs - now what shall I put on them ?

And just because it was so wonderful - this is displaying as never before 

In other news..
Seems legit ..

Cheers !

Monday, 30 May 2022

30th May 2022 - Completing the Lean-to - stage 1

Thought for the day :"Some people are treasures – so much that you want to bury them"

A busy day - and I think Susie has broken herself  - she was attacking the lupin beds before I got up this morning and did not stop clearing pathways and veg beds all day ....

My task was to complete the Ty Bach and ensure that it is ready for guests - but while at it it seems best to finish the whole roof and the rest of the wall areas. Some of the loo is now lined by old curtain material until I get more wood to close off the pallet panels properly - but there is privacy and it works - so I can move on to the next task 

We are running out of time !!

But I think it looks pretty good ..

Quite pleased with this to be honest ...

Cheers !

Sunday, 29 May 2022

29th May 2022 - Clearing the Tunnel - Tick !

Thought for the day :"“I'm pretty bad at building fences. Oops, wrong place for this post.....”

Day 2 of clearing the Tunnel and looking for the elusive bucket with the replacement compost bags for the eco-toilet for the Tavern!! also looking for costumes for Susie - they all seem to have disappeared as well!

A mammoth task as there was just so much stuff still there and it was all fairly unstable. Yesterday was taking it all to pieces and leaving a scene of devastation - today's task was to make some sense of everything and put it back together.

And voila!

A much larger gap to get by the machinery and a lot more stable ..

Still a lot of stuff - but the vast majority of that is boxes of Wade which need sorting some time!
Also a large amount of catering equipment mainly from Nancy's wedding. 
Unpleasantly, some stored foam mattresses have proved a very nice home for rats and the smell was terrible.  a number of black bags have been filled but they are only collected once a month so they will have to be stored by the hard standing for the car.

Another sad result was that the Voll's Wagen had not fared particularly well and was also attacked by rats - though not to the same extent. after consideration, and the fact that I am not going to Germany this year and when I go next it will be different from the old Fest situation - so I shall be unlikely to need a mobile guitar case... so it was time to dismantle and make room - but the facia will be part tf the stage area - and when I screw to the wall will also act as a handy bottle opener!

The Voll's Wagen  The VW

Meanwhile Susie has been all over the gardening weeding and planting. She is saddened this evening as she has been working so hard and can hardly see what has been achieved...
One thing that was achieved was a Bowl Of Petunias ("Oh No ! Not Again!")
Keeping an eye out for a Large Sperm Whale!   
(ref: Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

Tomorrow I can concentrate on getting the roof onto the Ty Bach and then think about some strimming and clearing the lower quarter which is growing like Topsy!! Also need to think about some of the trip hazards - the major ones at least. 

So tomorrow will be a day at the Homestead.
Beer should be delivered tomorrow - they are allowing me 4 kegs with two set for sale or return if looked after properly. We have no idea how many (if any) will be in attendance.  Watch this space.

Ho Hum !!!

Cheers !

Saturday, 28 May 2022

28th May 2022 - Flyers Loos and rats

Thought for the day :"I believe that the future lies in solar power - but it won’t happen overnight."

1914 - Start of the Great War - And the closure of the last Pub in Rhydlewis
Carmarthen Journal 27 Feb 1914 licence refused at Petty Sessions for Gwernant Arms, Rhydlewis
108 years later - The Crimson Moon Tavern opens at Ffynnon Wen
Open for the Jubilee Celebrations 2nd - 6th June 2022
Raising funds for the People of Ukraine
Come and join us in our Medieval Tavern and Mead Emporium with Lyme Bay Country Wines and Meads
Ales from Bragdi Teifi, and ciders from Hecks Cider
Come and join us !!!

Hoping this may bring some people in

In other news - Susie decided to take on the task of hanging the door on the Ty Bach and it tool much of the day to build the door and then hang it on her own .. Why on her own? well we may have been having some disagreements about what the best way was to do it and so I got on with the other jobs that I was meant to be doing .. But she did great.

But I was tackling the tunnel! The main reason was to see if we could find her Viking Dress that she wore for the last Viking wedding we went to - but sadly it did not appear... But most of the boxes in the tunnel fell on me and so I have a big task tomorrow to try to get everything back into some sort of order. There will be more room as large amounts of foam and duvets and pillows were rat infested and will have to go into black bags methinks. I hate the smell of rats !!!

But it beat me today - but I shall get back to it tomorrow and also sort the roof to the ty bach..
Challenge Accepted!!

Cheers !

Friday, 27 May 2022

27th May 2022 - Lean to's and Dragons

Thought for the day :"What do you call a dentist who doesn't like tea? Denis!!"

A sunny day - which was great as it meant that we could get on with some of the tasks still left to complete for next week ...

Susie donned her waders and cleared the springs and did a lot of weeding, while I took the pile of pallet wood and started on the lean-to and ty bach..
Aim is to get the Ty Bach operational and roof the lean-to - though the completion of the kitchenette is not necessary before the opening on Thursday.

And here we start ..

and so we have some roofing and the Ty Bach has walls 

getting there

Windows set in the end of the Lean-to

In other news - Viserion arrived..
It wasn't meant t be Viserion.. I responded to an advance order from Olive and Sage for a red Dragon that I rather liked the look of for about £40 - perhaps 2 ft tall - seemed reasonable value and looked good. After two months I chased and found out that they had sold out - even though I was an advance customer - paying two months and waiting - so they suggested that they could provide one of their other dragons instead - these at £78 but as an apology - so I chose Viserion. Once more a few weeks went by and so I chased again and they said that they apologised but the original dragon was now in stock. Sadly they did not send so another chase and I said I would take the more expensive Viserion and in fairness they said yes and it was posted the next day..  So a catalogue of delays - followed by a speedy resolution - after a while - but he is really nice !!

Searching for a good spot for him 

And now he has his log - and can be clearly seen form the Patio

and a closer look 

In other news - Susie decided that the door for the Ty Bach had to be tongue and groove - so it was a trip to Chadzy's for planking and some hinges - her project tomorrow - I shall be getting on with the roof and walls ...  and some windows.
Tomorrow is another day ..

Cheers !

Thursday, 26 May 2022

26th May 2022 - Toby the Tavern Dog - and pallet prep

Thought for the day :"The naked individual fears no pickpocket"

Today was a day for taking nails out of pallet wood - for a long time !
I decided that I would prep the work on the lean-to and Ty Bach for the Yurt - and so today was spent preparing the panel wood ...

But we had a walk ..
Toby the Tavern Dog

And Susie has been sowing the nasturtiums and they are growing well 

and roses are coming out at the front of the house 

And so - ordered the beer today - decided to go ahead with Bragdi Teifi, and they will put two away for me over the weekend - fingers crossed ... no idea how this is going to go ..

Cheers !

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

25th May 2022 - Tavern by Night

Thought for the day :"I hate that feeling after surgery when you're not sure if you're awake or asleep... Or if you operated on the right patient???"

Yesterday was pictures of Crimson Moon in the summer day 

tonight I post the evening posts ...

Not looking bad 

But today I decided to tackle the pile of pallets after a walk with the dogs ..

Can you see what it is yet ?

In other news the Roses our out and the  everywhere is flowering - Susie is planting tubs all around the garden 

Susie Fishing

And we did get some dinner from the river..

Cheers !


Tuesday, 24 May 2022

24th May 2022 - Towards a Tavern

Thought for the day :"Just bought myself a crowbar. I know most birds don’t drink but they might be tempted"

A bit of a mixed day really - got eh lawns cut but the cam belt on the John Deer split just as I was finishing - which is a bonus but also a blow- Borrowed a trailer from Charlie as it is large enough to take the mower and took it to Grow It Mow It - hoping that it may be back in time for a last cut before the opening.

But also dropped the tablet - and once again it split and will not switch on so a trip to Newcastle Emlyn to the computer guru to fix it - will be back some time soon I hope..

So failed to get much done after all of that ..

Rain seemed to be holding off for the day so unpacked the tavern for some photos 

Happy with the look and feel

Another day - 

Cheers !