Sunday 16 August 2015

16th August 2015 - On Pain and Procrastination

Thought for the day.... "My doctor e-mailed me asking if I knew my "blod group". I replied, "typo." "

There's a difference between procrastination and laziness, with procrastination you are avoiding a task but you know you will do it at a later date.

Procrastinators certainly don't live by the famous maxim of former US President Thomas Jefferson: "Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?"
There's always an excuse or perceived reason to delay.
"I'll do it later, in a minute, when I get round to it, it's on my list." Jefferson would be spinning in his grave!

Indeed, if I was conceited enough to think that someone out there was actually reading my blog - then there is a good chance that it is their procrastination rather than my clever prose...

Of course, I am simply procrastinating myself - there is a pile of paperwork to my left, unpaid bills to my right, and a blog screen in front of me - onward rode the 500 into the valley of balaclava, which is of course another way of hiding your head in the sand....

But, sitting at home, while the Crimson Moon happily carries on up in the Vale - weather not too good by the looks of it an d numbers quite low... gives a massive feeling of helplessness. Should be finalising plans for the Raglan Pirates next week of course - and pre purchasing for Renewal the week  after, Susie tells me a litre of Pimms is down to £10 - best go and get some... but sitting here it is easier to get on with anything else....

It could be the meds of course. Never been one for taking medication. But 5.30am this morning and I was really disturbed - wondering if I had twisted the arm in the night - unlikely as still in the sling - or done some real damage...  But, as I recollect that I plunged into my "scratcher" at about 1.30am (early for me) the tablets probably were wearing out...

The dressing is off now - allowing the air into the wound - and the 10 stitches are clear but healing well.. But the cocodomol tablets seem to have an effect..

Of course in other times the remedy might have been different...
I know it is not toothache but the principle is the same !!! "Instantaneous cure"  no doubt....

or this small tincture...   sure it could do no harm !!!

I was slightly more worried about this one -
Glad the water base was triple distilled !!!

So, I shall swallow my pride rather than the irradiated water, and as we creep up to 11am on a Sunday, will take a couple of cocodomol and some scrambled eggs for breakfast - and give you groggy good wish for the day....


oh.. and as a final thought ...
"what do we want?? "  "to end procrastination"
"when do we want it " "sometime  ,....   err  .... later!!"


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