Wednesday, 17 April 2013

17th April 2013 - Getting the Wind Up

Wednesday - and after a really nice hint of Spring yesterday - it is a real disappointment to feel the harsh bite of winter back in the air today. After a day of telephones and paper, and a nostalgic meal of Pasta Cheese and Tomato Sauce ( staple diet of the early seventies and convenience for today ) the wind veers around to that one position where the dog flap stays at a 45 degree angle and warmth of the house dissipated at geometric rate......

But the upstairs living room remains a small haven of warmth - though reading the electricity and gas meters today and doing the "rule of thumb" calculations for the last quarter is doubling my monthly payments or placing me in penury...  so it seems easier to sit at the computer and consider the future...

And the future involves a transition from the Crimson Moon to whatever the future holds.
For Susie, the Smallholding is clearly the way forward. Chickens in the back yard - concreting the posts into the ground for the gate that will stop the Chickens from straying onto the back lane, too cold to go out today,     my future tasks are to clear the house suitably for the examination of an estate agent and prepare the house for sale.

So today the first stage included the first options for changing the Vollsanger status. For the last five years I have been sending Facebook birthday cards from the Crimson Moon  - somehow no longer appropriate as the ownership has moved on. The Crimson Moon will have to continue its own marketing, but I still have many friends out there - and there is a marketing opportunity for the Vollsanger Brand..

And so, with the assistance of Paintshop Pro - the first of the Vollsanger Birthday Cards were created today ...

and so a happy birthday to all in the future...

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