Sunday, 9 March 2025

9th March 2025 - More log clearing - and Springs

Thought for the day :"My friends say that I am getting fatter but in my defence I have had a lot on my plate recently"

2025 : Wet 30 : Dry 37

Sunny Sunday for a change and headed off to take the dogs for a walk before breakfast - probably about 10am when I got a call to say that Nigel was heading our way with our bag of logs that we have been waiting for for about a month and a half...
So trotted back to get the logs put into the shed..

In other news the crocuses are out 

Getting ready for breakfast and the horses turned up - well it is Sunday Morning 

Meet Oscar

Sarah Dave and Sally headed home leading Jack and leaving Zephyr here to work for a while.

So she helped load the log store and we headed down to the lower quarter where we finished chain sawing the as die-back and split most of them and stored in the log store in the lower quarter.

Susie started clearing the springs of all the foliage and rubbish from the storms

 and Sarah started trying her hand at Chin Saw Sculpture - creating a monster for us - Dave and Zephyr were clearly impressed(!)

Gonna be tired again tonight

In other news - 

Cheers !

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