Monday, 10 March 2025

10th March 2025 - More Clearing and Tin Roofs

Thought for the day :"Today, I'm wearing pink to raise awareness of people like me who forget to separate their red laundry from their whites"

Dry (well a few sports but doesn't really count)

2025 : Wet 30 : Dry 38

So, a busy day around the grounds 

Firstly we have a problem Houston - some of the lights are not working and the entire lower section is failing. Seems that my prudent action in unscrewing a set of the bulbs to reduce light has led to a corrosion setting in on all the bulbs - we also have a problem with a lot of the bulbs filling with water.

Another task for tomorrow 

Meanwhile my water tight electric box arrived and has been wired in


Meanwhile at the Yurt we have a tin roof sorted.

and at the spring we have a few flowers peeping out now that there is less of a canopy

And we planted Susie's new Willow at the spring - thanks Cat

A proud Susie planting a tree

Meanwhile the lower quarter is finally cleared of the As Die Back pile - though we still have a number of other branches to clear.  Moved the log splitter and the saw horse to the peacock enclosure.

Meanwhile Clive and his girlies visited up tot he Patio 

Snow Bells out by the Mermaid

Willow flourishing this year by the pontoon 

Need another coat of paint on the Buttress

For reference - the tap that needs to be replaced in the wash room 


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