Tuesday, 19 March 2019

19th March 2019 - Sinistaire is Found

Thought for the day:"I memorised 6 pages of the dictionary – I learned Next to Nothing"

Time for a change of scenery - Profiles updated - one for St Patrick's day but the remainder for Week 11 ....

Vollsanger - A Song - Photo: Taurus Luvavi

St Patrick's Day - Crimson Moon 

Seemed Legit..
In other news - finally tracked down my missing Love Chronicle Lady - Sinistaire..  I put out a request on the Mythodea site as I was getting to the stage where if I aid out good money for the CD printing and there was an objection to using the photo then I would have wasted a lot of money ...

And so I now know that Sinistair is in fact Ina  Beller and she is of course married...

However, I find that my taste is as good as I think it is ... and as a Yoga and fitness person she is also a cosplay model by the looks of it - so a number of additional photographs are available...

No wonder Vollsanger fell in love....

and here are some more..

And she is quite happy to have her photo on the Album so that is a bonus and we are now ready to go ahead with the CD...

Live Adventure - the company that runs Mythodea also are happy for me to use the logo and designs and have sent me the masters...

Main Logo



the Ratio
And so the video upgrade of the 2019 Viinshar is now ready to go...

Cheers !

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