Monday, 31 March 2025

31st March 2025 - More Progress

Thought for the day :"If someone slaps you with high frequency - it hertz"

2025 : Wet 40 : Dry 49

Change of Clocks means that earlier start than normal but Dave and Rhys were with us at 9am, and started on the remaining rendering.

After working on that we put George (the Dragon) back on the other pine end and I ran off to Chadzy's for the feather edge planking for the shower door and the eco-toilet.

Susie built the door for the shower block and then we both fixed the roof panels on top

Door will be on tomorrow 

In other works - having grassed the duck pond area stretched a chicken wire section to keep the chickens off them ..

And put the new 6ft gate on its posts - need one more bolt to finish the job - maybe buy tomorrow 

We are slowly getting there ... 
Back to it again tomorrow 
Might finish the eco toilet with luck and the carpets should be arriving tomorrow as well - will be interesting to see how they try to deliver..

Fabio is in fine feather  though Zsa Zsa is spending a lot of time sitting on the ground..

Last day of March today - April 1st tomorrow - tend to think that April Fools is finished - there is too much in the world that is crazier thank anything that could be made up ! 

Cheers !


Sunday, 30 March 2025

30th March 2025 - Shower Block (cont)

Thought for the day :"Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into the Tavern. I told them “We don’t serve your type!”. "

Dry   (though rained overnight)
2025 : Wet 40 : Dry 48

Deceptively after the rain and cold of yesterday we had clear blue skies today and for most of the day it was warm - enough to be in singlet only though the temperature started dropping late afternoon ...

Clocks changed last night so we lost an hour of sleep, but despite that the dogs seemed to recognise that there was a change and still wanted to get up the hour earlier..   though I managed to get an extra hour sleep and still be up by 9.30am (new time)

A trip to the shops for fire lighters, butter and milk, and popped around to see Will and Joy up at Pwllglas.
Joy however was in France at Disneyland so found Will on his own and took him some eggs.
Somehow it turned out that he had a camouflage net that was surplus to requirement - or rather he only needed half for his Pirate den in the barn ...  (a scaffolding contraption with cargo net, tight ropes to walk on and a climbing frame)

So we cut the net in half and then for us in half again - which with the camouflage poles, we may be able to drape them over the tents on the mezzanine layer...    watch this space.

Once we had finished this and breakfasted on scrambled eggs I put up some chicken wire fencing by the duck pond to give the new grass seed a chance to grow....

Then Susie and I continued work on the Shower Block, adding a frame at the top ready to take the clear plastic roofing.

Will popped around for a couple of beers, and my antibiotics finish today so I sampled his homebrew.
Cough does not seem to be going away but I have finished the course so it may not be something that is affected by antibiotics.

Susie opened another  box of whimseys and is managing to put together a large number of the early sets...  A work in progress..

Cheers !


Saturday, 29 March 2025

29th March 2025 - Lazy Day

Thought for the day :"My book, 'How To Say No Emphatically In German', now available - only £9.99!"

2025 : Wet 40 : Dry 47

Gwili Conclave in the morning at Carmarthen. No building work today so overslept a bit but managed to get to the hall in time - though did not dine on this occasion.

Back in time to get some work done but it was a little wet - not very, but enough to put one off starting - especially as the temperature was dropping fast - o real incentive to do anything - so Susie sorted more of her Wade figurines and  I sort of vegetated and had a nap!!

Will get back into the swing of it again tomorrow - promise!

More Wade

Cheers !

Friday, 28 March 2025

28th March 2025 - Showers and Toilets

Thought for the day :"If I started herding cows at Ffynnon Wen I would herd them with a motor cycle - it would be a cowasaki!"

Wet - though some sunny periods...
2025 : Wet 39 : Dry 47

Overnight rain, but the day started bright so decided that we would tackle a few jobs.

Dave turned up at nine with Rhys and a decision to do the rendering to the Pine end.
Susie decided to tackle the Shower block 
and I decided to tackle the Eco Toilet...
And I decided to have a look at what was beginning to flower around the garden..

And so at the end of the day we have :

the end of the house rendered. Sadly we had more rain afterwards so hoping that all is well - Dave can tell me on Monday!

And so we look at the shower block 

Would have been easier if we had realised that theTITAN drill was not on hammer drill mode.. but we managed despite both of us having to lean on the drill for all but the last hole !!

Pretty good for day one,
Tomorrow we will add the roofing beams and the ceiling. 
Dave is getting the shower panels for us and we will use a hoop shower curtain .

Meanwhile, at the eco toilet ...

Think it will blend in with the rest of the woodland, especially when we get the willow growing at the front...

And so a review around the garden to see what is growing at the end of March 

And Susie is still working on her Whimseys - we seem to have a lot of the early collections - but it is like Finding Wally !

A long day and very tired - and day three on antibiotics so hoping the cough will go soon.

Cheers !